Emma Louise Photo » Awesome Professional Photography by Emma Louise Photography Edenbridge Kent

Thirteen – Bluebell Portrait Photography Oxted Surrey


I was a little girl
Alone in my little world
Who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees,
And fed my houseguests bark and leaves,
And laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream
That I could fly
From the highest swing.
I had a dream.

Priscilla Ahn – Dream

Girl in the Bluebells - Portrait Photography Oxted Surrey

I was lucky enough to see Priscilla Ahn sing Dream live in concert a few years ago. She was one of the support acts whom I’d not heard previously, and part of her set was this hauntingly evocative song with lyrics which resonate deeply with me. If you’ve never heard the song please, click to listen whilst you read on.

It doesn’t seem long ago that I was a little girl, alone in my little world with a head full of dreams. Now I find myself with my own little girl, who has just turned thirteen.

Bluebell Portrait Photography Oxted Surrey

Frequent followers of my blog will have seen that I am a keen follower of Letters to our Children.

I’ve previously written to my son who’d just celebrated a birthday

and my youngest boy who was about to start school, now it’s the turn of my girl.

We took advantage of the recent Spring bluebells for her very own, long awaited photoshoot in the bluebell woods.

My Darling,

My first baby; the making of me. How are you thirteen already?

I so vividly remember being your age, thinking that I was a proper ‘grown up’ who already knew everything I needed to know, and I was so excited to make my mark on the world. Well, I’m a little older and a little wiser now. I had a few life lessons to learn, sometimes the easy way but frequently the hard way. Can I give you some advice I wish I’d had when I was your age?

Try to say “like” and “literally” at little less when you’re speaking.

Laugh heartily instead of saying LOL.

Always think before you speak. It takes a certain level of maturity to realise silence is the best kind of retort.

Try your best not to care what other people think of you; for you are spectacularly unique. Everyone has their own insecurities even if it may not seem like it from the outside.

Enjoy your school years, for they will pass too quickly, but do try to remember you’re there to learn as well as have fun with your friends.

Try your best, always. You don’t need to be brilliant, you just need to be you.

Love will come. Don’t force it. Don’t misjudge it. When you find it, don’t let it go.

They say you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends. Be wise with your choices.

Be nice, be thoughtful, be kind – you will find most people are nice, thoughtful and kind back.

Believe that there are people in the world just as kind hearted as you. You will inevitably encounter the not-so-nice, don’t dwell on them.

You won’t always get it right. You will make mistakes. It’s OK – everybody does. Say sorry and mean it, and try to learn from these slips rather than repeat them.

Listen to your Mum. She might nag you but she’s nearly always right. Don’t forget she was young once and that thing she’s told you not to do but you think you can do and get away with; she’ll know. She will always know.

One day my love, I hope you find yourself where I am right now. Feeling old and increasingly grey, but very happy, very loved and so very proud of my children.

I was once a little girl who had a dream. It was you.

Mum x

Girl wearing floral head garland - Girl in the Bluebells - Portrait Photography Oxted Surrey13th Birthday Portrait Photography Oxted SurreyGirl with eyes closed wearing floral head garland - Girl in the Bluebells - Portrait Photography Oxted SurreyGirl poses in the bluebell woods - Girl in the Bluebells - Portrait Photography Oxted Surrey13th Birthday Party Photography - Girl in the Bluebells - Portrait Photography Oxted Surrey

Headband – H&M

Dress – Ahanna by Monsoon

Attitude, hair & make up – models own

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