Emma Louise Photo » Awesome Professional Photography by Emma Louise Photography Edenbridge Kent

Season’s Greetings from Emma Louise Photography

Season’s Greetings – Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

I usually send out photo Christmas Cards to clients, friends and family – I had big plans for this years one too. Unfortunately it didn’t happen due to the busiest November and December to date, and then I got poorly. I basically ran out of time and steam!

So this year I’ve gone digital and money otherwise spent on cards and stamps will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society instead, a worthy cause I hope you’ll agree.

Christmas Card Photo

Photo Christmas Card Ideas

I kept it fairly simple this year, the kids in Christmas jumpers in front of our lovely Christmas tree – you can just about see the star of St David my youngest made in Reception in the run up to Christmas. For those interested in the technical aspect, a prime lens and a really wide aperture helps blur the background and make the most of your beautiful twinkling fairy lights.

Just to prove that it’s not easy for me to get my kids to pose and why I will ALWAYS sympathise and tell clients not to worry about their kids not performing for the camera during a photoshoot, here are some of the outtakes too!

Love from me and my (not so) smalls x

Christmas Card Out Takes

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