Emma Louise Photography Featured in Families London-Kent Borders Magazine
I recently saw a shout out on Families {London-Kent Borders} Magazine’s Facebook page asking for a photographer to cover a special shoot they had arranged. I got in touch and was swiftly on my way to cover Aydin’s 4th Birthday party held in Twickenham.
The brief was to cover event photography for the party which was going to be published in the summer edition of the magazine. You can see the whole feature in the latest issue of Family Interest Magazine London Kent Borders here!
Birthday Party Photography Twickenham
The party was organised by Punk me Up Buttercup who provided lots of entertainment for the children – upon arrival all party goers made their own superhero face mask and a personalised t shirt.
Spray face painting commenced and whilst a selection of children were highlighted in various different colours other groups moved on to stamping their party bags with lots of different superhero characters – then they swapped over!
Food was supplied in amazing little Japanese Bento boxes which were layered into sections and included fresh fruit and vegetables, a small pitta stuffed with a tasty filling and an array of delicious desserts including chocolate and strawberries. A tasty buffet was also catered for the adults!
The children then enjoyed a few party games including the birthday party staple – pass the parcel. They enjoyed colouring in their own giant superhero and whizzing around the hall on didicars – these are actually amazing and I may have tried to ride one myself!
Favourite game of the day has to be blowing pompoms along the floor with a straw – such a simple game responsible for lots of giggles.
The birthday boy then celebrated the close of his party by blowing the candles out and an amazing Spider Man birthday cake, which was shared out amongst guests who left with their personalised face mask, t shirts and party bags filled with treats. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable party for Aydin!
There’s a little competition in there to win a session with me in the Family Interest Magazine London Kent Borders, you can find all the details here…good luck to all those who enter!
Emma Louise Photography provides event photography coverage throughout London, Kent and beyond.
Prices start at £99 per hour.