Emma Louise Photo » Awesome Professional Photography by Emma Louise Photography Edenbridge Kent

First Birthday Cake Smash Photography Kent

First Birthday Cake Smash Photography Kent – by Emma Louise Photography

As a Bump to Baby graduate Little Lucy has featured on my blog before, so I was thrilled when her lovely Mum and Dad invited me back for her First Birthday cake smash photography session.

Cake Smash Photography Kent Surrey Sussex London - - Emma Louise Photography Edenbridge

We were lucky with the weather and so we were able to hold the cake smashing fun in the family’s garden. Lucy’s clever Mummy had been busy styling the shoot – bunting, pom poms and outfit are all model’s own. She had also hand crafted Lucy’s fabulous First Birthday chalk board. If you don’t think you’re as artistic as Lucy’s Mum you can order your own personalised version from Etsy.

Now that I’ve done a few of these cake smash sessions I find babies tend to fall into two categories; those who gleefully smash without hesitation and those who are a little unsure of the cake before them. These gentle pokers have to be encouraged (usually by Dad!) to give the cake a good wallop. Lucy fell into the second category, but once Daddy showed her what to do and she worked out how good the icing tasted she soon got into the groove – it was great fun.

To book a birthday cake smash photography session with me please get in touch!

Little Lucydetail shots of Cake Smash Photography Kenthands in cake Cake Smash Photography KentCake Smash Photography KentFeet in Cake Smash Photography Kent

Birthday Cake supplied by Cakes by Wendy Buckingham

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