Emma Louise Photo » Awesome Professional Photography by Emma Louise Photography Edenbridge Kent

Lifestyle Baby Photography Wadhurst Kent

Lifestyle Baby Photography Wadhurst Kent – by Emma Louise Photography

It’s always such a treat to be invited in to capture baby’s first photography session. As a busy mum who has experienced (and survived!) the newborn baby phase three times over, I know that investing your time in professional photography can seem like a bit of a trade off between “I really want to capture these moments, I know he will get so big so quickly…” and “I am so tired, I’ve put the kettle in the fridge and tried boiling the milk three times already today. Photos. Can. Wait!”

With all this in mind, I run my newborn baby photography sessions slightly differently to some photographers. Firstly I prefer to visit you in home so that you have access to creature comforts. Your favorite tea and biscuit selection, a change of clothes if you need them. I work with baby, waiting for them to settle into a deep enough sleep to pose or a happy enough mood to give us their best beaming smile. Surroundings that are familiar to baby are preferable too. Having their photo taken can be quite tiring for such a tiny person  – they are brand new in this world of ours after all, so I wait until baby is ready for their photo session to start and stop for as many feeding breaks and cuddles as they need.

I am really flexible with timings too. I only schedule one newborn baby photography session in any one day; I will chat to you about when the ‘best’ time is for me to come. It tends to be mornings as cluster feeding starts late afternoon, but I happily work around your schedule. I have had many a parent apologising when baby chooses that particular morning to develop an invisible layer of velcro, or suddenly develops a mountainous appetite. Don’t worry – I know only too well that this is what babies do!

Smiling Baby - Lifestyle Baby Photography Kent

What I really enjoy about the session is getting to know about your new little family. It’s really important that parents are relaxed with me as well as baby, it shines through in your family portraits. I love to see the interaction between you all.

Booking your Lifestyle Baby Photography Kent session

Due to my busy schedule early booking for your session is a must – I happily take bookings during your pregnancy, after your 20 week scan is ideal!

As soon as your booking is confirmed your due date will be pencilled in to my diary, and once Baby is here you should contact me to arrange an appointment as soon as possible after birth in order to capture the best sleepy newborn images – the optimum time being between day 7 and 10. I can and do photograph older babies, especially once they’ve learned to smile and interact with you – little Bertie who features in these images was ten weeks old!

Lifestyle Baby Photography KentBaby Bertie - Lifestyle Baby Photography KentLifestyle Baby Photography KentLifestyle Baby Photography KentLifestyle Baby Photography Kent


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