Emma Louise Photo » Awesome Professional Photography by Emma Louise Photography Edenbridge Kent

Lucy – Newborn Photography Kent

As a specialist in newborn photography who visits clients in their homes for their baby’s very first photoshoot I really enjoy visiting parts of my home county I didn’t know existed before.

Newborn Photography Kent

I’d met with Lucy’s Mum and Dad on location in one quaint part of Kent previously for their maternity shoot, which you can see featured here. Lucy was a complete delight to photograph; the image below of Lucy in the lilac hat on the blanket and the one of her wearing her Mum and Dad’s wedding rings on her tiny toes are among my all time favourite images. I also adore the family portrait were Mum is tenderly kissing Lucy’s head whilst Dad looks on – he was trying to settle Lucy at the time so wasn’t paying much attention to me; a perfect new family moment captured.

newborn Lucy lies on purple blanket

Finding the Light

I was excited to hear that all had gone well for Mum when she got in touch to announce Lucy’s long awaited arrival and we quickly scheduled a date for her newborn photography session. When I visit clients for in home shoots I will have a quick recce to find the best spot for lighting. I like to use natural light where possible – the large French doors in the living room provided perfect lighting conditions for Lucy’s shoot – but I do mix in additional studio lighting when the need arises so I sometimes need to be near a power source too.

 Settling Baby

As I’d met with Mum and Dad before they were familiar with me and allowed me to take little Lucy to settle her off to sleep – it’s no secret that I am known as a baby whisperer and frequently asked if I do babysitting as well as photography!

It is important that you trust me to handle baby – I will need to carefully pose him or her in position for photographs (always safely of course). My sessions can last anything between two and four hours, depending on baby’s mood.

Bump to Baby

As Lucy’s Mum and Dad opted for my Bump to Baby package this was the second of their three shoot package. I am looking forward to meeting with the family again very soon for her six month portraits.

If you are expecting a baby and are interested in my Bump to Baby package, or would like more information on my newborn photography sessions, please do get in touch.

Newborn Baby Feet ParentNewborn Photography baby gently wrapped in lilac wrapblack and white portraits of parents with their newborn baby daughternewborn photography - sleeping baby clasps handsNewborn baby photographed asleep in delicate pink wrapparents lie with their newborn baby daughter

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